Web Compliance

Manage the compliance of your websites!

Control the different data of your digital spaces

A website that complies with the GDPR

Do you already have a website (shop window, e-commerce, blog, etc.) and would like to know if it conforms to the GDPR and the regulations on electronic communication services (cookies).

Whether it’s your data collection areas, your tracking and monitoring tools for website operation and performance, or your legal content, everything will be examined with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that it meets the requirements of the applicable regulations.

Our Consultant will help you to make your website compliant, with the aim of avoiding possible sanctions from the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL), but above all, protecting the privacy of your users.

To begin with, the Consultant will carry out an audit of your website and provide you with a summary of the situation, to identify any areas of non-compliance, the processing carried out on your website and the implementation of cookies on it.

At the same time, our expert will analyse the data processing carried out on your website and will offer you the advice and suggestions you need to comply with this regulation.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a study of your digital space, and to bring your virtual shop window into compliance!

Start the data protection compliance process