Data Transfers Management

Confidently exchange personal data with your foreign partners!

Secure all your transfers outside EU

Data Transfers Management

DPOption can provide to your transfers outside the EU and the EEA a sufficient and appropriate level of data protection.

Our Consultant will help you identify the processing operations involving the transfer of personal data outside Europe.

Depending on the nature, volume and sensitivity of the personal data involved in the transfer, the Consultant will implement appropriate legal safeguards in line with your organisational and legal context. The Consultant will carry out an analysis of the risks associated with the transfers, considering the specific issues to the country receiving the data.

Supervising the transfer of personal data outside the EU or the EEA will require a documented analysis of the transfer operation, based on both legal and technical considerations.

Our Consultant will advise you on the appropriate legal guarantee to implement and follow, with a view to securing the processing of personal data transferred outside the European Economic Area.

Feel free to contact us for advice and support on your transfers outside Europe!

Start the data protection compliance process